Slightly Preferable to the Alternative

Learn OpenGL: A Common Lisp Porting Plan

Posted on 2016-11-11

A few months ago, I found Joey de Vries' excellent Learn OpenGL tutorial web site. Joey has constructed one of the best tutorials on OpenGL that I've ever seen, and I'm super thankful for that. However, being a Common Lisp programmer, and not a C++ one, I am currently working my way through the tutorials in Common Lisp, using cl-sdl2 and cl-opengl. Along the way, I've encountered a few...rough spots when translating the tutorial. These posts will document the translation work that I've done, the pitfalls that I've encountered (and how I worked my way around them), and my thoughts and ideas about OpenGL and the tutorial.

I'll start by writing a separate post for the first few chapters (you will need the tutorials themselves, as I will not reproduce them in my posts) and add more as I have time. Until people actually start reading my posts, though, they will remain largely draft quality. If you want me to spiff the posts up a bit, contact me and I'll go back and fix things.